Striper Fishing Tips

Fishing for stripers can be a fun and exciting adventure. Make the most of your day on the water with a few tips and techniques for catching striped bass.

NJ Striper Fishing Regulations

While your aim may be to land as many striped bass as possible when you’re fishing, NJ striper fishing regulations limits both when and what you’re permitted to fish and keep. The season for stripers in NJ is March 1 through December 31. For recreational striper fishing in NJ, the regulations allow for one fish measuring between 28 and less than 43 inches and one fish 43 inches or greater. In 2019, anglers with a bonus permit were allowed to keep one fish 24 inches to less than 28 inches from September 1 through December 31, but for best results, anglers should check every year for the most current regulations governing striped bass fishing in NJ.

The Best Places to Find Striper

Like salmon, striped bass are anadromous fish, meaning they spawn in freshwater sources and then move to saltwater. When striped bass migrate north each spring, anglers can find them along New Jersey’s Atlantic shore as well as in freshwater bodies of water like Delaware River, Lake Hopatcong, and the Manasquan Reservoir. Of course, knowing the general area to head is one thing; pinpointing the exact location to cast your line is another. To locate the best feeding spots for a productive striper adventure, one of the best tools to use is a striped bass fishing report for NJ.

Weekly NJ fishing reports for freshwater and saltwater striper are available from a number of websites online. Just search the area you plan to fish, such as central New Jersey, Northern New Jersey, or even more specifically, an exact town like Long Beach Island. The updates will share information from captains about what they experienced in a particular area, including weather conditions, how plentiful the fish were, what type of jigs they used, and the size of their catches. By comparing current to past weeks’ reports, you’ll be able to spot helpful trends to identify the ideal spot to get in on the action.

Remember that no matter where you go, when you’re striped bass fishing in NJ, the species tend to prefer structures and bottom features. So look for things like ledges, reefs and bars where baitfish generally congregate. Out in the open water, you can usually find striped bass chasing shoals of baitfish.

Angling Techniques for Catching Striped Bass

Whether you’re in a boat or fishing from shore, to successfully catch striper in NJ, there are certain tips you should know for the most effective outing. To start, select the best time of day to head out. For striped bass, that generally means at dawn and dusk.

When it comes to equipment, to land this sought-after gamefish, start with the right rod. If fishing in shore, a light to medium rod will work fine paired with up to a 20-pound line. If you’re striper fishing in NJ’s open waters, you’ll want more heavy-duty equipment. Try a rod that’s rated medium-to-heavy and suitable for up to a 30-puond line.

For baits and lures, most anglers swear by live bait. If you opt for live bait, try live eels or herring; if you can’t find live herring in the area, refrigerated or frozen will work as well. Crabs and clams are good for some places. And worms are effective just about anywhere. But don’t overlook artificial lures since these are the favorite among many striper seekers. Since stripers are pretty opportunistic, you’ll want to experiment to determine what works best for you.