BlogJune 2024

5 Reasons to Celebrate National Children’s Day 2024 Outdoors

5 Reasons to Celebrate National Children’s Day 2024 Outdoors

By Debbie Hanson

Jun 05, 2024

Summary of ways National Children’s Day 2024 can bring our youth back to time spent outdoors, how to get kids reconnected with nature for better health

Did you know that National Children’s Day 2024 is coming up on Sunday, June 9th? Every year, the second Sunday in June is dedicated to recognizing the importance of children in our lives and society. You can use this day to help bring our nation’s youth back to more time spent outdoors as families navigate busy schedules and the ever-increasing use of electronic devices. Learn about some of the reasons to celebrate outdoors and read up on the benefits of National Children’s Day.

1. Reconnecting with Nature

In recent years, children have become more disconnected from nature, spending more time indoors with screens than exploring the great outdoors. National Children’s Day activities can provide the perfect opportunity to reverse this trend by reconnecting with the natural world. Time spent outside allows children to develop a greater appreciation for the environment and conservation of our natural resources.

2. Health Benefits of Time Outdoors

The benefits of outdoor activities for children are well-documented. From physical health to mental well-being, outdoor time has a profound impact on a child’s development. Outdoor play encourages physical exercise, improves motor skills, and promotes overall health and fitness. It also provides opportunities for unstructured play, allowing kids to use their imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills in a natural setting. Consider ideas for outdoor activities on National Children's Day that might include a walk through a local park, a hike through a nearby nature preserve, or a day at the beach.

3. Educational Opportunities

Outdoor activities are not only beneficial for physical and mental health, they also provide wonderful opportunities for hands-on education. From identifying different plant and animal species to learning about various natural ecosystems, outdoor exploration offers endless opportunities for learning and discovery. National Children’s Day 2024 is the perfect occasion to instill a love of nature and a sense of environmental stewardship in the next generation.

4. Family Bonding Time

In our fast-paced world, quality family time is more important than ever. National Children's Day activities that strengthen family bonds give families valuable opportunities to create lasting memories together. Whether it’s a family picnic at a state park, a bike ride along a scenic trail, or a camping trip under the stars; outdoor activities offer the perfect backdrop for meaningful connections and shared experiences among family members. Spending time outdoors allows families to unplug from technology, cut down on the number of distractions, and truly enjoy each other’s company.

5. Celebrating Diversity

National Children’s Day is a celebration of childhood in all its diversity -- a day focused on honoring children of every background, culture, and ability. Outdoor activities provide an inclusive space where children of all ages and abilities can participate. Whether it’s a freshwater fishing trip, exploring nature trails, or engaging in team sports, there’s something for everyone in the outdoors. Let Sunday, June 9th be a reminder that every child should have plenty of opportunities to experience the wonder of our natural world.

Since National Children’s Day 2024 is coming up quickly, let’s prepare to set aside our busy schedules and invest in our nation’s youth. Whether it’s through outdoor play or family adventures, June 9th should be a day that encourages kids to spend more time in nature. Let’s ensure a brighter, healthier future for generations to come.

Debbie Hanson
Debbie Hanson
Debbie Hanson is an award-winning outdoor writer, women’s sport fishing advocate, IGFA world record holder, and freshwater guide living in Southwest Florida. Hanson’s written work has appeared in publications such as Florida Game & Fish Magazine, BoatUS Magazine, and USA Today Hunt & Fish. To learn more about her work, visit or follow her on Instagram @shefishes2.